Տпасk аttасk: ⱱігаɩ Ϲгаze Eгᴜрtѕ аѕ Ƥгeɡпапt ɡoɩdeп ?etгіeⱱeг Fіпdѕ Ϲomfoгt Αmіdѕt Tаѕtу Tгeаtѕ!

04:37 06/06/2023

Expecting a baby changes everything, especially the diet.Pregnancy cravings for all sorts of food you wouldn’t it normally, are not reserved for humans only. A photo was recently shared, showing a cute pregnant golden retriever surrounded by snacks and junk food. As expected, it quickly became viral, because it shows dogs can sometimes resemble humans so much.

Kula is expecting puppies, and her owner recently posted a picture of her surrounded by a pint of Haagen-Dazs, soda, In-N-Out Burger bag, and a jar of pickles. She looks like she’s passed out after a heavy meal. This was posted to @heyitskula a few days ago:

“We’re gonna need a lot more pickles, ice cream and @innout pupper patties soon! #preggo #makingpuppies,”the caption says.

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