“Goosebumps” With The Discovery Of A 300-Tooth Shark That Existed 80 Million Years Ago | news478media

“Goosebumps” With The Discovery Of A 300-Tooth Shark That Existed 80 Million Years Ago

10:04 24/12/2022

While carrying out a research project in the waters of the Algarve, scientists happened to discover a type of shark that appeared from prehistoric times.

A strange creature with the name “Folder shark” was suddenly found in Portuguese waters. What is more surprising is that this species is identical to its ancestors, which appeared on Earth 80 million years ago.

Accordingly, they lived at the same time as dinosaurs and witnessed many extinctions of other species. This discovery makes the fin shark the oldest living creature to this day.



The shark is a shark that appeared more than 80 million years ago.

Currently, scientists still do not have much information about this shark species. All we know is that the shark has a long snake-like body with more than 300 teeth arranged in a circular structure. They belong to the genus Chlamydoselachus, live mainly in the sea about 1,500m deep, distributed discontinuously in both the Atlantic and Pacific oceans.

Because they have some characteristics of primitive sharks, dating back 80 million years and have the same appearance as their ancestors, they are called “living fossils”.



The shark’s gill shark is dark brown like an eel but has six pairs of gills similar to prehistoric sharks.

The shark that scientists caught was about 1.5 meters long and was caught at a depth of 700 meters above sea level. Because they live at such great depths, they are less affected by human factors, so they keep their shape and do not change too much over the years.


Because they live deep in the ocean, their appearance remains unaffected by humans.

In an interview with Sic Noticias, Professor Margarida Castro, a researcher from the University of Algarve, explained the origin of the name of the shark. Accordingly, it comes from the distinctive arrangement of 300 teeth, which helps this fish to catch squid and other fish easily. When hunting, they bend their body to move forward flexibly and look more like a giant sea snake.



Their tooth structure is extremely special, giving them an advantage in biting and immobilizing prey.

The shark is a member of a large family of ancient sharks with distinctive features such as multiple gills, large mouths, eyes on either side of the head, and a lack of spine-shaped fins.

This is not the first time this shark has been discovered by researchers. In December last year, a fisherman named Roman Fedortsov posted on his personal page a picture of a fish of the same species that he caught in Russia.

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