Tһe Ϲусɩoрѕ Ϲow: Α Tгаɡіс Tаɩe of ап Uпᴜѕᴜаɩ Ɓігtһ апd tһe HeагtЬгeаkіпɡ Joᴜгпeу of ‘Օпe Eуe | news478media

Tһe Ϲусɩoрѕ Ϲow: Α Tгаɡіс Tаɩe of ап Uпᴜѕᴜаɩ Ɓігtһ апd tһe HeагtЬгeаkіпɡ Joᴜгпeу of ‘Օпe Eуe

09:59 10/06/2023

A cow born with only one eye and no nose passed away due to its health condition, at Barangay Kulawit, Atimonan, Quezon, Philippines.A “cyclops” cow with only one eye and no nose has been born in a rural village in Quezon province, Philippines.

The calf was named ‘One Eye’ by the locals and was born on May 28 to a healthy mother cow.Neighbor Michael Santander said local residents were confused as to why it was in such a state. He said: “The mother cow only eats grass and lives freely in the open space so we are wondering why her baby is so unusual.”Michael added that the farmer who owns ‘One Eye’ asked the help of the local agricultural office to prolong the life of the calf as they believed it would bring them good luck.Currently, many netizens are uploading pictures and videos of animals on social networks. As a tribute, most people often post a photo of their beloved dog.However, some animals have genetic defects and other physical defects. Most of these unusual animals die, but a few are able to survive with the help of their owners.Michael Santander, a Facebook user, posted pictures of a cow born with only one eye and no nose. These photos have become popular on social networks and caused various emotions from people.In the photos, the cow appears to be struggling because of its condition. Michael said his neighbor in Barangay Kulawit, Quezon, owns a cow named “One Eye”. The owner requested help from the Atimonan township’s agricultural office, but One Eye passed away due to its health condition. This story has attracted the attention of the online community.This story has attracted the attention of the online community.

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