Frill-necked Lizard (Chlamydosaurus kingii)

11:38 06/03/2023

The frilled-neck lizard is a reptile that is found mainly in the northern regions of Australia and southern New Guinea.

Frilled-neck lizards live in dry forests and woodland. It is an arboreal lizard, which means it spends most of its time in the trees. They can move easily between branches. The trees are a safe place because the trees provide camouflage to hide the lizard.

The lizards can be a long as 95 centimetres. They have brown, grey and patchy coloured  skin that is hard to see against the bark of trees. Male lizards are more brightly coloured than female lizards.

The frilled lizard comes onto the ground to search for food, or to fight other frilled lizards that come into its territory.

They eat insects, especially butterflies and moths, beetles and small mice. Other small lizards are also hunted and eaten.

Frilled lizards generally live alone, and are territorial. To escape an enemy, a frilled lizard can move very fast on its two hind legs. When it is frightened, the frilled lizard opens its mouth wide which causes it to ruffle out its red and orange scaly frill.

The lizard hisses loudly too and may thrash its tail on the ground. Frilled lizards will bite an enemy with its strong teeth if forced to fight.

Frilled lizards are not poisonous or harmful to people. (as long as they are left alone!)

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