In west Texas, a mature supercell thunderstorm, illuminated at varying heights by the setting sun

07:30 01/03/2023


Meaпwhile…iп west Texas, storm chaser Laυra Rowe captυred the pictυre of a lifetime last пight, with this faпtastic shot of a matυre sυper-cell thυпderstorm, illυmiпated at varyiпg heights from the settiпg sυп.


“I had no idea what to do initially or how to react,” she recalls. “Everything moved so fast! I actually ended up reaching out to Charlie Stout and he helped me with setting up a website, obtaining my copyright, and handling all of my questions … I had no idea that so many people would love the photo. I had messages from people all around the world telling me how it impacted them.”

He describes the moment leading up to the shot:“The chase started earlier in the day at storm initiation near Montezuma, Kansas, where I had gotten myself into a bit of trouble surrounded on all sides with massive hail and no clear escape route. I lost visual and radar signal several times and just decided to bail to the south with no intention of continuing to chase. This is where I luckily encountered the backside of a developing system on the Oklahoma-Texas border, snapped a few quick photos near Perryton, and continued to run from this thing all the way to Wichita Falls, where it had turned into a linear monster with massive hail.”



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