Strange Creature Washed Up On The Coast Of The Philippines: The Hair Is White Like Hair

03:38 25/12/2022

A whimsical white-haired sea creature has washed up on the coast of the Philippines. Many speculate that this is the body part of a deep-sea creature known as the “globster”.

The mysterious creature was found to be 6 meters long, covered with white hair like hair. This confused the group who discovered the creature.



Others believe that with this event bad omens will come.

Globster is found in the Philippines. (Photo: indepentdent)

Since this creature washed ashore at 7pm on May 11, the number of people flocking to the beach in the town of San Antonio, Oriental Mindoro to see it has increased.

Although authorities suspect that the creature is simply a decomposed body part of a whale, locals are still surprised to see such an unusual object.

Tam Maling resident said: “An earthquake is heading towards Oriental Mindoro. Globster is a sign that bad things are coming. Please pray for us.”



Vincent Dela Pena Badillo added: ‘‘Many people were shocked when they heard the news about it. Including me.”

“The carcasses of sea creatures that live in the deepest part of the ocean floor are a bad omen. The worst will come very soon!”

Imelda Mariz took her children to see what she thought was the corpse of a monster. Imelda Mariz said: “I couldn’t believe what it was. I have never seen anything like it.”



However, this is not the first mysterious creature found. In the past there have been many other “Globsters” discovered while drifting ashore. And since 1960, the term has been used to describe an unknown organic mass. It is drifting on Philippine beaches and many beaches around the world.

In February 2017, another “Globster” was seen as it washed up on the shores of Dinagat Island. The origin of this creature has made many people wonder and make endless speculations.



The corpse of a white-haired creature known as a “globster” washed up on the shores of Dinagat Island, February 2017. (Image: internet)

“Today we only collected a sample of its DNA for further analysis,” said Vox Krusada, fisheries officer at the Department of Fisheries and Marine Resources.

“We can now conclude that it is a whale, but the exact species is unknown. Samples have been sent to our lab for DNA analysis.”

He added: “The local government of Globia will now bury the body of this creature. And it really does smell like something from another planet.”



“I was directly exposed to this horrible smell when taking samples. I almost wanted to vomit. After that I had to shower thoroughly and feel better, but the stench still lingers in my nose.”

Although it is difficult for researchers to determine the origin of the mysterious marine species, scientific analysis shows that they are in the same family as whales and sharks.

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